August 30, 2015

Home Tour!

I shared with y'all that we are in the process of purchasing our first home.  I'm sure you've been sitting around since then wishing you could see pictures... if so, you're in luck!  We are planning to do some renovations {partially for necessary repairs, partially preferential changes}.  There will {hopefully} be lots of changes coming soon that we will share with you!  Keep in mind that we have not done A-NY-THING yet, so if there's any lack of cleanliness, it's not from us...  I'm not saying it won't be dirty when we're in it, because let's be real... we aren't show home type people.  It'll just be our dirt then {somehow, our dirt seems cleaner than mystery dirt}.

Since our renovation is on a very tight budget, we'll beg/borrow/buy-at-restore many of the items we can.  Our goal is to finish the home with quality finishes at reasonable prices.

We have renovation plans now, but nothing is really set in stone until we close on the house and start knockin' down walls.  If you have some great strike of wisdom, feel free to share it - we'd love to hear from you! :)

Check out lots of photos of the house by clicking the "Home Tour" tab at the top of the page!  Make sure you follow along to check on our progress as we dive into this adventure.