July 27, 2015

Welcome back {and some big news}!

Hey y'all!  

I have written a blog in for-ev-er.... and obviously, you've missed reading along... both of you {hi mom!}.  Just kidding... I checkout out my blog statistics.  Most of my old posts have 25-40 reads each.  So, I'm pretty sure that's a solid following...ish.

If you're not familiar, I've been married just over a year to my better half.  We have two fur babies and hope to add some two-legged babies to our family in the near-ish future.  We are also in the process of buying our first home! {That's the big news for those of you that were lured here by my tagline.}

If you read back through my blog, you'll see that I shared my life {honestly and openly} during a previous relationship.  Now that I've gotten into blogging again, I've taken some time to think about removing the old posts.  However, I've decided to leave them {for now, at least}.  While I am not in the same stage of life I was then, it's a sweet walk down memory lane to see where I've been... and it makes me marvel at the goodness of God even more.

So as for life now? ---Life is crazy {as always} and my blessings are abundant {also as always}.  Blogging, for me, is an acknowledgement of the grace of God in my life and an opportunity to share that grace with you.  The path isn't always pretty {in fact, I often make it much rougher than necessary}, but it's always an adventure! 

I'll share my life with you.... my highs and lows, home renovation projects and family adventures.  Through it all, I pray that you will find joy, purpose and passion and that this blog would be an encouragement to you along your journey.