October 26, 2012

The Secret to Happiness... and a Pinterest FAIL.

Alright, y'all.  I've found THE secret to happiness.  Check that out again... THE secret to happiness?! Yep, and I'm going to give it to you!  I totally suck in the kitchen am NOT a connoisseur in the kitchen by ANY stretch of the imagination... there is a sign in my kitchen that says "I kiss better than I cook" and I'm sure Hubs would agree with that wholeheartedly!  But I have found something even I can master!  Drum roll please....

The Secret to Happiness
{aka Cinnamon Sugar Crescent Rolls}

-1 package run of the mill crescent rolls
-Some cinnamon sugar {mix it till it looks good - I like mine a sort of light brown color, but just add as much cinnamon as you want}
-Butter {or margarine or whatever you call that stuff that comes in a tub and is easy to spread}

Pop open the package of crescent rolls.
Unroll all of them.
Coat with butter using a knife {use your discretion on the amount... this is kind of trial and error.  try starting with the amount of butter you'd put on toast}
Sprinkle with Cinnamon & Sugar  {again, use your discretion on the amount... when I say sprinkle I really mean dump!}
Roll up into crescent rolls and roll the outside in cinnamon sugar
Throw in the oven and cook according to package directions.

That's it.  These literally take less than 5 minutes to make and are a HUGE hit at our house!  There are 8 crescent rolls in a package.  Last night I made these and I ate 4 {or maybe 5, but I was sharing with Munchkin, so I didn't really eat that many, right?!}.  The boyfriend and I can EASILY down a tray full in lightning speed.  Don't act like I didn't warn you.

Now on to the bad UGLY

I saw a recipe on Pinterest for Mug Mac... It'll be easy, I thought.  I won't have to buy Easy Mac anymore, I though.  BOY was I wrong!

I got on pinterest to get the recipe and the link was broken.  I decided to wing it {what could go wrong?!}... I grabbed a mug, threw in 1 part macaroni, 1 part shredded cheese, and 2 parts milk.  I put it in the microwave for 3 minutes {Easy Mac cooks for 4, so starting with 3 makes sense, right?}.  Ummm wrong.  3 minutes later, I had a microwave full of milky cheese, a mug with lots of hardened cheese on it, and some basically uncooked macaroni.... Oh my goodness.  But I'm no quitter!  I grabbed a bowl, rinsed off the microwave spinny glass thingy, threw some more milk and cheese in the bowl, and set it for 1 minute {I even stayed right beside it}.  I might have looked away for 5 seconds, during which time the mac & cheese overflowed.again.  Another microwave spinny plate thing wash later and the macaroni was back to cooking. I was determined!  I finally got the pasta to cook and not overflow.  However, the end product was messy, not at all EASY, and just plain GROSS!  Mug Mac?  Try Mac FAIL.  I think I'll stick to the Easy Mac from now on...  I would have added pictures of the process to this post, but simply could not handle any more shame! :)  Lesson learned... stick to the Secret to Happiness Crescent Rolls.

1 comment:

  1. I love finding out about Pinterest Fails. Makes me feel better about my pinterest fails (don't EVER ask me about the Monkey Balls - EVER).


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